Joris Falip

Joris Falip

Associate professor

UTT - France

I am an associate professor of artificial intelligence at the LIST3N laboratory, part of the Troyes University of Technology (France). My work is focused on machine learning and exploratory data analysis, but my research interests include human-centered computing, recommendation system, outlier detection, and graph analysis.

Beside teaching classes and my work in the lab, my hobbies range from Japanese swordsmanship and tabletop role-playing games to collecting unicorns plushes and playing guitar (badly).


  • Machine Learning
  • Exploratory Data Analysis
  • Recommendation Systems
  • Instance-based Learning
  • Exemplar Theory


  • PhD in Artificial Intelligence, 2019

    University of Reims - France

  • M.Sc. computer science and security, 2015

    University of Orléans - France

  • B.Sc. computer science, 2013

    University of Orléans - France

  • Technical Degree computer science, 2012

    Orléans Institute of Technology - France